Swaveda Play Group 
'SWA' – " I "'
Meaning of 'SWAVEDA'is 'to know yourself' 'SWAVEDA PLAY GROUP' is a place where dormant mind is shaped to a mastermind through intrinsic evolution of knowledge. It is the first step for the children to grow to their potential and to create an identity for themselves. Here children are trained to face the challenges of life steadily but boldly.
They are equipped with skills in creative thinking, decision making and problem solving. Here we believe in constructive learning with ethical blend. Stress is laid on all round development of the child i.e. Mental and emotional, physical, spiritual and social, so that he may emerge as a complete and efficient personality.
"SWAVEDA PLAY GROUP" believes in the values and wisdom of culture. Therefore, the initiation into education will begin with the traditional Vidya-Arambha ceremony, which is a continuation of the ancient Guru-shishya custom when the Guru blessed the students to progress spiritually and physically. The various articles used for this ceremony have a meaningful value. The rice is a symbol of prosperity, which is achieved through high ideals. What does the "light of lamp" symbolize? The lamp symbolizes the "Light of Knowledge", which removes darkness.
Revealing the path of true happiness as symbolizes the flowers. The incense is the symbol of fragrance, which the child will spread through dedication and selfless service to the motherland. The Tilak and the Fruit are the reflection of the teacher's sincere blessings that under her/his guidance, the child may live a long and fruitful life. The tracing of the symbol has a clear message, which is, that education must be build upon the tradition of permanent universal values. The student is blessed that he/she must be successful in every sphere of life.
Instructions for New Parents 
Parents are requested to follow the given instructions so that the child is comfortable in the new environment and remains free and happy.
- Children must be made to answer the call of nature (patty completed) before coming to school.
- Please ensure that child has brushed his teeth, has a clean wash or bath and dressed in clean comfortable cotton clothes in summer and warm clothes in winter. Clothes made of synthetic fibers like polyester, nylons,Terri cottons, etc are not allowed keeping in view the sensitivity of the child's delicate skin and climatic conditions.
- Children should not sent to school in frilly and fancy clothes except on his / her birthday.
- Money, sweets, toffees, jewelry etc should not be given to the child unless parents through written instruction.
- Parents are not allowed to enter classes or disturb teaching by coming during school time.
- Parents / guardians are not allowed to visit teacher's homes or discuss School matters at social gatherings etc with the teachers. Parents relations with the teacher's will be always kept separate from school relations. Parents should not expect special favours from any school staff who knows them personally.
- Honking of vehicles is not permitted on school campus.
- All visitors/parents/guardians will be expected to ensure that politeness and courtesy are maintained on the campus.
- Punctuality will be expected from parents and children.
- All leaves will have to be sanctioned through written application only. Leave for wedding birthdays, outing during working days will not be encouraged.
- Parents should inform the school authority about change of residential address & telephone numbers.
- Any birth, death or any other kind of emergency in the family should be reported to the school so that the child may be given emotional support from the teachers / counselors.
- Children suffering from infections conditions like Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Conjunctivitis etc. should not be sent to school, even during examination/ assessments. Medical exemption will be granted for such cases. After the convalsense period, the child will be allowed to enter school only after a fitness certificate is submitted.
- Both parents will have to be present during the open – House and Report discussion days on receiving the invitation.
- All problems regarding the child can be discussed during Parent-Teacher consultation meetings which are held on IInd Saturday of every month from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m However, urgent problems may be discussed without appointments on any other day between 1.00 P.M. to. 1.30 P.M only. There will be no consultation on any Saturday one week before assessments.
All problems regarding the child can be discussed during Parent-Teacher consultation meetings which are held on IInd Saturday of every month from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m However, urgent problems may be discussed without appointments on any other day between 1.00 P.M. to. 1.30 P.M only. There will be no consultation on any Saturday one week before assessments.
Orientation Notice 
- All newly children will be required to go through the orientation period for at least one week. Each child will begin by spending half an hour in the Group daily. The time will be gradually increased as the child adjusts to the new environment and forms a bond with the teacher.
- Both parents are requested to accompany the child on the first day after that either father/mother/or any other responsible family member will have to wait in the school until the child has adjusted well enough to remain in the class for least 1 ½ - 2 hours.
- There will be no pressure exerted on the child to make him/her stay in the Group. Each child will be kept according to his/her need and ability. Parents are requested to exhibit period during this period and not compare their child's class time with the time of other children. Each child will be given special care support as required.
- One-way conveyance will be provided after the child's time has been increased up to 2 hours and two-way conveyance will be provided when that child remains for full time.