Mr. Arvind Kumar Bansal
"Education is not filling of a pail but lighting of fire"
Mr. Arvind Kumar Bansal – PRINCIPAL
M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Gold Medalist, University of Roorkee (IIT Roorkee)
He has over 30 years experience in teaching line. He feels that he is first a teacher then an administrator. He is completely dedicated and committed to his duties. Being Principal he not only understands the needs of the the students of all age groups but also provides them all kind of support.
He believes in providing a happy learning environment to nurture the creativity of the children so that they emerge as positive & forward looking happy individuals who can make a difference; and can be trained to face the challenges of this dynamic age. He demonstrates the ability to manage changes. He is easily accessible to staff students & parents. He is very supportive in school events & programmes. His good communication skill motivates children to participate in all activities. He genuinely loves children & works hard for them.